
the wOmAn behind the fantasy

The concept for SUGAR started as a small conversation between two friends drinking champagne naked in a pool at a sex castle in the Hamptons. They couldn’t believe a situation as hilarious as that one had never been brought to the big screen, likely based on the fact that it involved sex workers. Palmar Kelly, co-creator and writer of SUGAR, has been working in the sex industry for most of her adult life and became fed up with how she and her friends were portrayed in the media. With an acting degree under her belt, along with several hilarious, heartwarming, and unbelievable stories about her life in sex work, she felt she was suitable for the job of showing sex work in a better light.

After teaming up with a few of her sex worker friends they decided to write a series of twelve different scripts about the defining characteristics and idiosyncrasies of sex work. These stories vary from a guy with a pregnancy fetish, working while on your period, and what it means to like a guy who always chooses you second. Kelly wanted to show that sex workers are normal people with mainstream problems. After writing, the women decided they needed to film just enough of a trailer and get people talking. Surprisingly, their Indiegogo campaign raised over eight thousand dollars, and the search for a real production team was on.

Kelly knew she wanted primarily women on her crew because she wanted everyone to feel comfortable in the space when talking about sex. It was also important to her that actual sex workers were hired either as talent or as consultants. After scouting for directors, hiring crew, and casting talent, SUGAR finally came together.

Sex workers are just like everyone else, and who doesn’t want to see themselves represented on television?

photo by: Shaya Scott